Sunday, February 6, 2011


Roll No. : 3

When: August; I'm pretty sure this was on my birthday.

Where: My driveway.

What I Remember: Sergio used to come over every night to shoot the shit. Because of what he was wearing that night, I joked that he looked gangster. We brought out my bike, which only made him look even more like some kind of vato. We use his truck's headlights and a floodlight I had as improvised lighting and it became an impromptu photo shoot. His fingers are supposed to spell "blood"; he couldn't form the letters on his own, so I ended up having to bend his fingers for him.

Note: Because Sergio and Mark were the two people I hung out with the most in 2010, I have the most amount of photos of them. Up until now, in order to make the assortment of photos evenly distributed, I ended up deferring from posting photos of either one of them. Consequently, I have a ton of photos of them to post now. So you can expect a lot of those coming up.

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