Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Roll No. : 13

When: Halloween.

Where: Eugenie & Co.'s house, Kensington area.

What I Remember: For reasons I won't get into, I don't remember much about Halloween. I didn't even remember that I got wasted until I saw photos from that night; large chunks of the night resurfaced in my memory after seeing them. Mark and I were talking about the basement of the house and how I had never been down there. "Oh man! You gotta go! It's awesome down there! Let's go now!". He was right; in the basement is a shelf full of...stuff. I'm not even sure how to describe some of the stuff. A lot of baby food jars filled with tiny little hardware with a bunch of other random stuff tossed in. It doesn't belong to anyone in the house; it was there when all the girls moved in. It either belongs to the previous occupants or the landlord. Either way, it just remains there, like some sort of strange art exhibit for people to pass by on their way to the washroom when the upstairs one is occupied.

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