In 2009, I was inspired by Patrick O' Dell, upon visiting his website/photoblog, Epicly Later'd. On a few occasions, he discovered misplaced rolls of film, which he would develop and post the photos of. I liked the idea of disorientation; trying to piece together the context of the photos and the stories behind them, as well as the enjoyment of simply remembering something forgotten. How much could be remembered from these photos?
I decided to do the same thing as Patrick, only intentionally. Rather than take one or two rolls and purposely forget them, I figured, why not go further? Why not take photos for an entire year and not develop them? So I set out to take as many photos as I could in 2010. None of them would be developed until 2011. I would place all the rolls of film in a bag, then when the time came, I would develop them, roll by roll, in random order.
I undertook this project with my friend Mark; by having two photographers, you'd be following two different lives that on occasion intertwine, which can be seen in the photos. At the moment, we're trying to figure how to present our results as a unit. Until then, this blog is just a small showcase for a few of my favorite photos.