Saturday, January 29, 2011


Roll No. : 17

When: August 1.

Where: My garage.

What I Remember: I had wanted to attempt to take yet another series of photos featuring my friends, and the easiest way was to lure them all to my place with a supposed party. Haleigh was having her birthday party that day as well. I decided to just have my thing earlier in the afternoon, so people (myself included) could still make it to Haleigh's later on. Some people still treated both things as two mutually exclusive things; either you went to hers or you went to mine, so only JP, Sergio, Michelle and Owen showed up. Which was just as well; it was overcast, and I needed sunlight for the photos. Surprisingly, this one of JP still turned out fantastic. It is, hands down, my favorite photo of him. He's not crazy about being in photos and usually either turns away or blocks his face, so I'm really glad he didn't this time.

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